Frequently Asked Questions


The JCCP is a company limited by guarantee with UK charitable status, approved by the UK Charity Commission. This means that the JCCP will operate as a ‘not for profit’ body governed by a ‘Board of Trustees’ who operate within the Charities Act (2011). In order for the JCCP to become a charity it must demonstrate that it is operating for ‘public benefit’ which in this case means ‘patient safety’ and ‘public protection’.

The Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP), was formally launched in February 2018 as a ‘self-regulating’ body for the non-surgical aesthetics and hair restoration sector in the United Kingdom and is a registered UK Charity. The concept of the JCCP was envisioned and inspired by work commissioned by Health Education England on behalf of NHS England and the Department of Health (2016). The Council’s charitable status reflects the overarching not-for-profit mission of the JCCP which is to improve patient safety and public protection within the non-surgical cosmetic sector.

The JCCP operates a practitioner register which is formally accredited by the Professional Standards Authority as part of its Accredited Register Programme. The JCCP works in close alignment with a range of healthcare professional regulators, such as the General Medical Council, the General Dental Council, the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the General Pharmaceutical Council and with other Professional Standards Authority accredited registers to participate in an alerts system to share information relating to the outcome of any fitness to practice proceeding in the interests of public protection.

The JCCP also operates a non-PSA accredited register for Approved Education and Training Providers and Qualifications.

Information on the JCCP Constitution.

Information on JCCP Committees and Trustees.


The JCCP has established a Board of Trustees under the Chairmanship of Professor David Sines, PhD CBE who holds the title 'Executive Chair and Registrar'. Professor Sines chaired the original HEE stakeholder program following the Keogh Review and acted as the Chair of the JCCP Development Project from January 2016 prior to the official inauguration of the JCCP in April 2018. This organisation has now been formally constituted as a Charity in accordance with UK Charity Commission legal governance requirements.  The Company has been registered at Companies House. There are a total of fifteen appointed Trustees. 

A full structure of JCCP Committees and membership can be found here.

The Constitution of the JCCP has been agreed by the Board of Trustees: Click Here

The JCCP has established three standing committees to manage its ‘day to day’ business and to transact its formal governance and oversight requirements:

Practitioner Register Committee - this Committee manages all of the JCCP Practitioner Register activity as well as its 'Fitness to Practice' Panels and Procedures.

Education and Training Committee - this Committee manages all of the JCCP Education and Training Register activity as well as developing JCCP policies and procedures in this area. 

Policy, Finance and IT Sub Committee - this Committee manages the day to day operational aspects of the JCCP.

Marketing and Communications Sub Committee - this Committee manages the day to day operational and strategic marketing and communications functions and activities of the JCCP.

The Clinical Advisory Group - this Committee advises the JCCP on clinical procedural policy matters.

A full structure of JCCP Committees and membership can be found here.

The objects of the JCCP have been logged at Companies House and have been approved by the UK Charities Commission and are as follows:


The JCCP’s objects are to promote the health and safety of, and protection of the public by the development and promotion of high standards of practice among non-surgical cosmetic practitioners and hair restoration surgeons, including by (but not limited to):

  • defining, creating and maintaining an effective structure to inform the standard of professional education and training amongst non-surgical cosmetic practitioners and hair restoration surgeons, including maintaining a register of approved education and training providers;
  • working with professional regulated statutory bodies who are engaged with non-surgical cosmetic practice to agree appropriate processes for joint working with regard to fitness to practice and Registrant conduct, informed by the standards of practice proficiency and safe practice set down by the JCCP;  
  • advancing the study and practice of non-surgical cosmetic interventions to inform and promote safe and effective practice standards for the public;
  • advancing the education of the public and promoting research for the public benefit in the field of non-surgical cosmetic and hair restoration surgical treatments;
  • providing knowledge and advice to stakeholder bodies and organisations responsible for developing and maintaining clinical and practice-based standards for cosmetic treatments to ensure public safety;
  • regulation through the maintenance a voluntary register of persons who are fit to practice as non-surgical cosmetic practitioners and hair restoration surgeons, having met prescribed criteria and continuing professional development requirements (Registrants); and
  • publishing, operating and implementing a code of practice for Registrants in the interests of public protection.

In these Articles, charitable means charitable in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom provided that it will not include any purpose that is not charitable in accordance with section 7 of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 and/or section 2 of the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008.

The JCCP has been established in order to provide a source of information and guidance for patients/members of the public seeking safe practice in the area of non-surgical cosmetic treatments and hair restoration surgery. Its agreed Mission Statement and Values are set out below

Mission Statement of the JCCP

The Mission Statement for the JCCP is set out below:

‘The Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) and the Cosmetic Practice Standards Authority (CPSA) are recognised self-regulators of the non-surgical aesthetic industry in the United Kingdom and the point of access for the public seeking information about this area of practice and where appropriate for raising concerns about practitioners. The JCCP places public protection and patient safety as the focus of its activities.

JCCP Practitioner Registrants and associated Education and Training Providers will be accredited and endorsed by the JCCP as meeting the highest standards of quality by ensuring that all parties who have been admitted to the JCCP’s Registers have met the agreed industry qualifications, benchmarks and abide by the standards of practice and behaviour as determined by the Cosmetic Industry CPSA and the JCCP.

Values of the JCCP

  • Upholding Patient Safety and Public Confidence as the core driving force of the JCCP
  • Inclusivity, Equality and Diversity
  • Operating its Register of Practitioners and Education and Training Providers within a strict and agreed Code of Practice that embodies robust ethical standards to providing aesthetic treatments.
  • Openness, fairness and independence.
  • Working in partnership with patients and all key stakeholders in the aesthetic industry.
  • Recognising innovation and best evidenced-based practice and responding to change.

Protecting the Public - Key Mechanisms

  • Applying strict standards for entry to the JCCP Register and for continued registration.
  • Approving education and training providers that deliver programmes that meet the standards.
  • Maintaining a register of individuals who successfully complete those programmes and accreditation procedures.
  • Taking action if the standards may not have been met.
  • Establishing clear and simple procedures to enable the public to raise issues of concern about the professional practice of registrants.
  • Providing simple and easily accessible information to the public considering non-surgical aesthetic treatments.

The JCCP will be undertaking a range of activities to raise awareness and to provide information to the public about how to identify ‘safe practice’. The main areas of activity will be as follows:

  • The establishment of a PSA Accredited ‘Practitioner Register’ of professionals qualified and assessed to carry out non-surgical procedures against an agreed set of standards and qualifications.
  • The establishment of a non-PSA Accredited ‘Register of Approved Education and Training Providers’ who meet the JCCP agreed standards for the provision of education and training.
  • The development of an ‘Information web-based portal’ that the public can access that will identify every JCCP registered practitioner and the modality and level at which they have been accredited to practice.
  • Guidance on each of the treatments included in the JCCP CPSA Standards Framework.
  • Through a range of ethically determined conventional and social media platforms.

The JCCP Practitioner Register is a voluntary register open to all practitioners working in the fields ofcosmetic treatments (who are practising at and beyond Level Four as defined in the JCCP Non-Surgical Cosmetic Interventions and Hair Restoration Surgery Education and Training Competency Framework, 2018 - this framework now replaces the previous framework developed by Health Education England - HEE) and who meet the JCCP’s standards and criteria for admission to the Register.


The Register’s aims are to provide guidance to the public seeking treatments in the procedural areas recognised by the JCCP. The has been formally approved by the Professional Standards Authority – the Government's Regulator of public sector healthcare-related registers in the healthcare sector – and has successfully received accreditation of its Practitioner and Approved Education and Training Registers.


The JCCP Practitioner Register is divided into two parts:

PART A: Health Care Practitioners registered with a JCCP recognised Professional Regulated Statutory Body (PSRB)

PART B: Non Health Care Practitioners who are not registered with a PSRB

A detailed list of recognized health care professionals as agreed by the PSRB's can be found at:

Approved medical professionals

The JCCP and the Cosmetic Standards Practice Authority (CPSA) have developed a set of educational, clinical and practice standards and a set of entry requirements (in conjunction with many leading experts in the cosmetic sector) for persons wishing to join the Practitioner Register.

Join now

The CPSA is a sister body to the JCCP but completely independent. It is seeking charitable status but has already appointed a Trustee Board. It is made up of clinical and aesthetic experts who are charged with independently setting a framework of clinical and practice-based standards linked to the educational and qualifications framework produced originally by Health Education England (HEE):

The CPSA has used the framework developed by HEE to set clinical and practice standards across 4 non-surgical treatment modalities, and 1 surgical modality, that are currently recognised by the JCCP and the CPSA :

*   Toxins

*   Fillers

*   Peels

*   Lasers

*   Hair Restoration Surgery


The CPSA has also been charged with the responsibility to review any new orphan treatments that emerge in the market place and in collecting data on adverse incidents and complications occurring in the area of non-surgical treatments.

For more information on the CPSA and standards go to:

The JCCP Stakeholder Council was developed to allow a full range of stakeholders to meet on a biannual basis to discuss feedback on the activities of the JCCP, discuss new developments in the sector and to act as a forum for key opinion leaders. 

Stakeholder Council

If you are interested in joining the JCCP Stakeholder Council please send details to:

With the key objective of promoting safer practice for members of the public in the UK, the JCCP has published a proposal to create a ‘direct’ application route for potential Registrants in partnership with insurance companies who demonstrate compliance with the JCCP's, values, principles, standards and registration guidelines.  More information on how this will work and answers to common questions can be found here

The Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP), was formally launched in February 2018 as a ‘self-regulating’ body for the non-surgical aesthetics and hair restoration sector in the United Kingdom and is a registered UK Charity. The concept of the JCCP was envisioned and inspired by work commissioned by Health Education England on behalf of NHS England and the Department of Health (2016). The Council’s charitable status reflects the overarching not-for-profit mission of the JCCP which is to improve patient safety and public protection within the non-surgical cosmetic sector.

The JCCP operates a practitioner register which is formally accredited by the Professional Standards Authority as part of its Accredited Register Programme. The JCCP works in close alignment with a range of healthcare professional regulators, such as the General Medical Council, the General Dental Council, the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the General Pharmaceutical Council and with other Professional Standards Authority accredited registers to participate in an alerts system to share information relating to the outcome of any fitness to practice proceeding in the interests of public protection.

The JCCP also operates a non-PSA accredited register for Approved Education and Training Providers and Qualifications.

You can find a copy of the JCCP Articles of Association here.

The Public

Detailed research on the provision of education and training programmes has identified the existence of a wide range of education/training providers:

  • Universities
  • Colleges of Further Education
  • Private Training Providers
  • Individual Training Companies


Many of these providers are formally recognised and have been through appropriate assessment processes whether they be a University, College of Further Education or a private training provider recognised by an approved OFQUAL or SQA awarding body. Many others operate independently. There are major issues involving the misrepresentation of qualifications and in the entry reqirements and processes for joining courses/programmes at all levels. Providers offer recognised university and vocational qualifications but there is also a large and significant market for short practice-based courses and CPD programmes.

The JCCP believes that it is important for practitioners to be aware when deciding on which education/training programme to enrol the status of that provider, the nature and level of the qualifications on offer and how they meet and reflect the JCCP/CPSA standards. To do this the JCCP has established a ‘Register of Approved Education and Training Providers’.


Providers who are not Universities or Colleges of Further Education will be required to be approved by : -

  1. A Regulated Awarding Organisation and offer a regulated qualification to the standards required of the JCCP for the modality concerned.

Approved Qualifications:

  • Those offered by a UK University or College of Further Education.
  • Ofqual approved qualifications in England.
  • Ofqual equivalents in Scotland (SQA), Wales and NI.

If an Approved JCCP Education and Training Provider submits an approved University or College of Further Education qualification or an Ofqual/SQA approved qualification from a JCCP recognised Awarding Organization the JCCP will then evaluate the specification of this qualification against the JCCP Standards and Competency Framework:

JCCP Competency Framework

JCCP CPSA Standards 

JCCP Approved Education and Training Providers/Courses and programmes


The entry requirements and processes for joining the JCCP Education and Training Provider Register are set out in the JCCP Entry Standards for Education and Training Providers:

Entry Requirements

In summary:

  • The process for joining the register is the same for all Education and Training Providers.

  • Registrants will need to complete a detailed application, provide evidence and sign a ‘Self Declaration’ statement.

  • Independent JCCP Assessors will review each application and will give feedback to the applicant prior to an ‘Assessment Visit’.

  • The final decision regarding the application will be made by the JCCP Education and Training Committee.

In the UK recognized qualifications can be developed, offered and awarded by the following bodies:

  • Approved Universities and Colleges of Further Education via their own agreed processes
  • Education and Training Providers recognised by Ofqual (or other approved Government Regulators in other parts of the UK, such as the SQA in Scotland) approved ‘Awarding Organisations’
  • Organisations approved by the United Kingdom Accreditations Service to ISO17024 to offer assessment and certification of competent persons’ schemes.

The JCCP has agreed a number of Memorand of Understanding with the following bodies:

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the GMC - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the NMC - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the GDC - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the GPHC - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the RPS - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the SQA - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the HABIA - Click Here


Higher Education and Vocational qualifications in England are offered at Levels 1 – 7. These levels then equate to qualifications offered by Universities e.g. Level 5 equates to degree level; Level 7 equates to evidence of study at Master’s level. OFQUAL is the regulator of qualifications in England and receives proposals from Awarding Bodies such as City & Guilds and Industry Qualifications (IQ) to offer a qualification. Ofqual determines if the submission meets strict standards and reflects the level of the award. Equivalent regulators operate within the devolved administrations in Scotland (SQA), Wales and Northern Ireland, all of whom will be recognised by the JCCP as legitimate partners by way of Memorandum of Understanding.

Following the publication of the Health Education England (HEE) framework of educational qualifications and levels in 2015 for non-surgical treatments it has been possible to identify which treatments are offered at which levels and the competencies involved.

The HEE framework has now been updated and replaced by the JCCP Competency Framework (2018):

A number of Education and Training Providers adopted the competences  contained within the HEE framework and developed a L7 qualification and a L7 programme. These include Universities and Colleges of Education who have their own powers to develop and award qualifications and then private Education and Training Providers and Awarding Bodies who have to apply to regulatory bodies to have a qualification approved. There are only a few providers who can offer the approved and recognized L7 qualifications that correlate with the standards set down within the HEE Framework. The JCCP has now taken over the ownership of the HEE Framework and has replaced it with the JCCP Competency Framework:

The JCCP has now developed a set of 'Entry Requirements for its Education and Training Register' which enables providers to be approved by the JCCP and to seek approval for any qualifications that it offers:


The L7 qualification in aesthetics or linked activities is a benchmark for practitioners to demonstrate competence and is equivalent to a 'Master's Degree' level. It is therefore extremely important that practitioners research any L7 programme and qualification to see if it is recognised by the appropriate bodies. Unfortunately there are many L7 programmes on offer that are not recognised or accredited by the key bodies mentioned above and secondly have not been approved by the JCCP. 

The list of regulated Awarding Organisations can be found at and a search on Aesthetic will show those qualifications at level 7, along with others at lower levels.

A list of education and training providers and qualifications approved by the JCCP can be found here


 The JCCP recognises qualifications offered at L7 that have been provided and endorsed:

  • Through a University, a college or Education/Training Provider approved by an Awarding Organisation accredited by Ofqual (or by equivalent devolved administrations in Scotland - SQA, Wales and Northern Ireland) to offer regulated qualification(s) that meet the requirements of the JCCP for the modality concerned; 
  • However, the JCCP believes that many of these qualifications and programmes need to be amended to bring them into line with the approved JCCP/CPSA framework of education, clinical and practice standards. Although there are a limited number of L7 qualifications offered currently via Ofqual (or equivalent devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) approved Awarding Organizations, there are many which are not. If a candidate presents evidence in support of membership to the JCCP that relates to a non-recognised L7 qualification, then the JCCP will review the content and practice levels required to be met against the JCCP/CPSA education, clinical and standards framework.  Presenting a non-recognised L7 qualification will not be sufficient to gain full membership of the Council.

The HEE report also adopted a number of other key principles with regard to education and training provision that will be embodied in the JCCP entry requirements for Education and Training providers and they are as follows:

  • That persons seeking to gain qualifications in the aesthetic sector should follow clear rules about progression and that these should be embodied into entry requirements for those programmes. In particular, a candidate must be able to demonstrate competence and proficiency at one level before proceeding to the next level e.g. to enter a level 4 programme you must be able to show you have achieved L3, the same for a L7 programme you must show that you have already achieved or have the capacity to operate at L6.
  • The concepts of the ‘Recognition of Prior Learning - RPL’ and the ‘Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning – APEL’  demonstrate competence and proficiency. This in particular applies to experienced aesthetic practitioners who have operated for many years but without the context of a recognized set of standards or qualifications. The JCCP has established a list of approved RPL/APEL providers who can carry out this process for existing practitioners here.

The JCCP is working with manufacturers and product companies who provide extensive training to practitioners to consider how their training can be incorporated into recognized programmes, qualifications and for CPD programmes. The case for accreditation of the same is also being considered by the JCCP.

The JCCP has established procedures to deal with two types of complaint from a member of the public:

General Complaint

This would be about the operations of the JCCP or a service type complaint in relation to a Registrant or Education/Training Provider: 

Please go to the following section that sets out the JCCP Complaints procedures:

Click Here

Fitness to Practice Complaint

If you have a complaint about treatment received from a JCCP Registrant then this will be dealt with under the JCCP Fitness to Practice procedures:

Click Here.

The JCCP also has a 'Memorandum of Understanding' with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) that enables both organisations to work together if a complaint is recieved about misleading advertising practices of practitioners or education and training providers. If you wish to make a complaint in this area please contact:


The JCCP has agreed very specific supervisory arrangements with its sister body the Cosmetic Practice Standards Authority (CPSA). The CPSA has set out who is able to do what type of treatment at what level with and without supervision. 


However despite setting out these standards the JCCP recognises that each practitioner is responsible for ensuring that they practise safely in order to protect the public.

Any breach of the JCCP and CPSA standards may lead to a JCCP Registrant being held to account for their practice to the Council's Fitness to Practise Committee. 

You can check to see if a Practitioner is a member of the JCCP by checking their contact details against the JCCP REgister 


Ask them for their Certificate of JCCP Membership and look for the JCCP Charter Mark

To find out more about how our Practitioner Register functions, please click here.

The Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP), was formally launched in February 2018 as a ‘self-regulating’ body for the non-surgical aesthetics and hair restoration sector in the United Kingdom and is a registered UK Charity. The concept of the JCCP was envisioned and inspired by work commissioned by Health Education England on behalf of NHS England and the Department of Health (2016). The Council’s charitable status reflects the overarching not-for-profit mission of the JCCP which is to improve patient safety and public protection within the non-surgical cosmetic sector.

The JCCP operates a practitioner register which is formally accredited by the Professional Standards Authority as part of its Accredited Register Programme. The JCCP works in close alignment with a range of healthcare professional regulators, such as the General Medical Council, the General Dental Council, the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the General Pharmaceutical Council and with other Professional Standards Authority accredited registers to participate in an alerts system to share information relating to the outcome of any fitness to practice proceeding in the interests of public protection.

The JCCP also operates a non-PSA accredited register for Approved Education and Training Providers and Qualifications.

Please see the attached guidance document - view here.

The JCCP has prepared a public guide to the Government consultation, with a clear explanation of what it means and how to respond to it. This can be found here. 

The JCCP's FAQ guide also covers the scope of the proposed license, and answers questions related to practitioner related issues, education and training, age restrictions and key stages of the consultation. You can read the full FAQ guide here. 

The JCCP Witness Support Procedure can be found here.

The response should be ’The JCCP has produced a Policy Statement on 'Unconscious Bias’ - access the statement here

Yes, you can access our easy-to-read guide by clicking here.

We are fully committed to upholding these principles, and you can access the JCCP Policy here.

You can find the JCCP Anti Bullying Guidelines here

Practitioner & Clinics

The JCCP has established a technology platform that enables all practitioners to apply to join its 'Practitioner Register'. The JCCP Practitioner Register is divided into a number of parts dependent on your professional/practice status and experience/qualifications

To start the process go to:


For additional help you can also call the JCCP Membership Officer on 0333 321 9413



The JCCP categories of membership are as follows:

Part 1 – Designated health care professional members of the following Professional Statutory Regulated Bodies (PSRB’s)






To view designated member categorties please go to JCCP approved list:

Approved PSRB members


Part 2 – Non-Health Care Members who meet JCCP entry requirements, including Beauty Therapists practising at and above Level Four of the HEE Framework and other non-registered PSRB practitioners.

All membership of the JCCP Practitioner Register is initially provisional until evidence can be produced to confirm that each Registrant conforms fully with the JCCP practitioner entrance requirements and provides evidence of competence and proficiency as set down within both the CPSA and JCCP standards.

JCCP Register Categories

JCCP Practitioner Entry Requirements

There is a ‘fast track’ process for experienced practitioners (to be available from Janaury 2019).

There will also be a ‘Trainee Category’ included in the Register for persons enrolled on JCCP approved training programmes leading to a recognized JCCP qualification (this category of members will not be ‘public facing’).

Moving from Provisional to Full Membership will depend on the amount of experience you have, and the route you wish to take. You will also need to either:

  • have undertaken a JCCP approved qualification in the modality and at the level for which you wish to register, or
  • have been assessed as competent by a JCCP approved assesment centre for your modality and level or have acheived JCCP approved 'Equivalence' via one of its approved routes. Click here to view these routes. 


  • You must also have 2 years experience in the modality 

Yes, and these are set out in:

Click Here

To become a member of the JCCP Practitioner Register you will have to sign up to and agree to follow the JCCP/CPSA agreed Code of Practice and a ‘Self Declaration Statement’.

Click Here for the Code of Practice and Click Here for the ‘Self Declaration Statement’.

The JCCP will operate a process called ‘grandparenting’ whereby practitioners' previous qualifications and experience will be taken into account when assessing competence and proficiency against the agreed JCCP/CPSA standards.  A set of guidelines are available that define the term ‘grandparenting’ and the arrangements the JCCP will be putting in place. 'Grandparenting' will be put in place for a defined maximum of two-year period – by which time the member must have reached the full JCCP/CPSA standard.

'Grandparenting’ is the process whereby existing practitioners are exempted from any new qualification and practice requirements set by the JCCP/CPSA for a specified period of time but undertake a process whereby existing educational, clinical and practice-based skills can be evidenced against the newly agreed CPSA/JCCP framework.

The JCCP will embed standards and procedures to undertake the ‘Accreditation of Prior Learning’ which will be used as an authorised process by the JCCP if the candidate can demonstrate they have undertaken specific qualifications recognised by approved JCCP and educational providers and statutory regulators such as a University, or an OFQUAL/SQA approved Awarding Body (or equivalent in Wales and `Northern Ireland). Additionally, the accreditation of Previous Experiential learning (APEL) will be considered for acceptance by the JCCP as long as it is:

  • Independently valid and verifiable
  • Contemporaneous
  • Relevant to specific area of practice/modality and to JCCP/CPSA standards.

The JCCP has confirmed processes for verification and assessment by a range of JCCP approved bodies and Assessment Centres with experience of the practical skills involved in all key modalities and knowledge and awareness of the JCCP/CPSA Practice and Knowledge Standards. These fast track centres are now availabile. Further information is published in education and training section of this website here.

As a not for profit company the JCCP relies on membership fee subscriptions to sustain its registers and other activities. The level of membership fees for Practitioners is set out here with Education and Training Providers Charging Policy here

There is a separate charging policy for large chains of clinics that provide services within the scope of the JCCP and this is by negotiation dependent on individual practitioner numbers. For more information and to arrange a visit to discuss options please contact:



The JCCP has a specific set of procedures to follow in such situations. The procedures vary according to whether you are an existing and current member of a ‘Professional Statutory Regulated’ Body (PSRB) - (GMC, NMC, GDC, GPhC and HCPC) or not.

The JCCP/CPSA Code of Practice can be accessed here.

The JCCP has negotiated formal agreements with the GMC, GDC, NMC and GPhC that recognises their primacy of interest in considering any ‘fitness to practice or conduct’ first before returning the matter to the JCCP for its own consideration, determination and action.

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the GMC - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the NMC - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the GDC - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the GPHC - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the RPS - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the SQA - Click Here

Memorandum of Understanding between the JCCP and the HABIA - Click Here

If you are not a current member of a PSRB then any cause for concern or complaint will immediately be considered within the context of the JCCP’s own Fitness to Practice Procedures.

All registrants who are also members of one of the above cited PSRBs will also be subject to the JCCP’s Fitness to Practise Rules and procedures - Click Here

The JCCP has appointed HF Resolution to develop and manage the JCCP Practitioner Register. HF Resolution is an independent private company with experience of managing registers across a number of sectors. It has specialist knowledge of the aesthetics sector. The JCCP helpline can be contacted on:

Telephone:  0333 321 9413 



The JCCP is one of a number of different registers that practitioners can join. These vary from Professional Statutory Professional Registers maintained by Professional Statutory Regulators such as the GMC, NMC, GDC, GPhC and the HCPC etc. to other voluntary registers, some of which are approved by the Professional Standards Agency (PSA) and others which are not. Practitioners have a free choice when it comes to selecting and deciding to join voluntary registers (such as the JCCP). The JCCP recommends that you join a register that is approved by the PSA. PSA approval is a long and rigorous process and is designed to ensure that the Registers they approve are specifically accountable against a set of specific standards. For more information on the PSA please go to:


The JCCP Practitioner Register was launched on 22nd February 2018 at the House of Lords. It is now fullly operational and open for registrants. The JCCP Register was formally accreduted and approved by the Professional Stanadards Authprity (PSA) on the 10th April, 2018.

Join Now

No. However the JCCP has links with a number of product and service suppliers, including insurers, for JCCP members. We would always advise that you check out the origin of any products you intend to use as a practitioner, and their safety/compliance with UK standards in the interests of the safety of patients and your reputation and capacity for redress if there is a product-related issue. We would also advise that when seeking insurance you check out the provider and identify a specialist in the field who has a track record and where you can gain access to references from existing customers. You should always ensure that your insurance relates to the modalities where you are offering treatments, and is regularly reviewed and updated. You should also ensure that the limit of your liability cover is adequate to fully meet all potential claims against your practice.

The Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP), was formally launched in February 2018 as a ‘self-regulating’ body for the non-surgical aesthetics and hair restoration sector in the United Kingdom and is a registered UK Charity. The concept of the JCCP was envisioned and inspired by work commissioned by Health Education England on behalf of NHS England and the Department of Health (2016). The Council’s charitable status reflects the overarching not-for-profit mission of the JCCP which is to improve patient safety and public protection within the non-surgical cosmetic sector.

The JCCP operates a practitioner register which is formally accredited by the Professional Standards Authority as part of its Accredited Register Programme. The JCCP works in close alignment with a range of healthcare professional regulators, such as the General Medical Council, the General Dental Council, the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the General Pharmaceutical Council and with other Professional Standards Authority accredited registers to participate in an alerts system to share information relating to the outcome of any fitness to practice proceeding in the interests of public protection.

The JCCP also operates a non-PSA accredited register for Approved Education and Training Providers and Qualifications.

Please see the attached guidance document - view here.

The JCCP has prepared a public guide to the Government consultation, with a clear explanation of what it means and how to respond to it. This can be found here. 

The JCCP's FAQ guide also covers the scope of the proposed license, and answers questions related to practitioner related issues, education and training, age restrictions and key stages of the consultation. You can read the full FAQ guide here. 

The response should be ’The JCCP has produced a Policy Statement on 'Unconscious Bias’ - access the statement here

Yes, you can access our easy-to-read guide by clicking here.

You can find the JCCP Anti Bullying Guidelines here

Education & Training Provider

Detailed research on the provision of education and training programmes in the aesthetics sector has identified the existence of a wide range of education/training providers.


Many of these providers go through appropriate accreditation processes,  whether they be a University, College of Further Education or a private training provider recognised by an approved OFQUAL, SQA or eqivalent awarding body in Wales and Northern Ireland. Many other companies operate independently with no externally approved quality assurance processes. In these cases it has been difficult to evaluate the value of any particular course or the extent to which they accord with public safely and protection requirements. The JCCP Approved Education & Training Provider Register will enable practitoners to know which courses and programmes meet the required JCCP/CPSA standards and prepare them to enter the JCCP  practitioner register.


The JCCP believes that it is important for practitioners to know when deciding on which education/training programme to choose, the status of that provider, the level and nature of the qualifications on offer,  and whether they meet and reflect the JCCP/CPSA standards. To do this the JCCP has established a ‘Register of Approved Education and Training Providers’.


The JCCP Education and Training Register is accredited by the JCCP. It should be noted that this register is not accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (the PSA).

The entry requirements and processes for joining the JCCP Education and Training Provider Register are the same for all Education and Training Providers. Registrants will need to complete a detailed application and provide relevant evidence. JCCP Assessors will review each application and will give feedback to the applicant prior to an ‘Assessment Visit’.

Entry Standards for Education and Training Providers

  • Approved Universities and Colleges of Further Education via their own agreed processes.
  • Training providers recognised by Ofqual (or other approved Government Regulators in other parts of the UK) approved ‘Awarding Organisations’.
  • Organisations approved by the United Kingdom Accreditations Service to ISO17024 to offer assessment and certification of competent persons schemes.

The JCCP recognises qualifications offered at L7 that have been provided and endorsed:

  • Through a University;
  • A college or training provider approved by an Awarding Organisation accredited by Ofqual (or by equivalent devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) to offer regulated qualification(s) that meet the requirements of the JCCP for the modality concerned;
  • However, the JCCP believes that many of these qualifications and programmes need to be amended to bring them into line with the approved JCCP/CPSA framework of education, clinical and practice standards. Although there are a limited number of L7 qualifications offered currently via Ofqual (or equivalent devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) approved Awarding Organizations, there are many which are not. If a candidate presents evidence in support of membership to the JCCP that relates to a non-recognised L7 qualification, then the JCCP will review the content and practice levels required to be met against the JCCP/CPSA education, clinical and standards framework. Presenting a non-recognised L7 qualification will not be sufficient to gain full membership of the Council.

The HEE report also adopted a number of other key principles with regard to education and training provision that will be embodied in the JCCP entry requirements for Education and Training providers and they are as follows:

  • That persons seeking to gain qualifications in the aesthetics sector should follow clear rules about progression and that these should be embodied into entry requirements for those programmes. In particular, a candidate must be able to demonstrate competence and proficiency at one level before proceeding to the next level e.g. to enter a level 4 programme you must be able to show you have achieved L3, the same for a L7 programme you must show that you have already achieved or have the capacity to operate at L6.
  • The concepts of the ‘Recognition of Prior Learning - RPL’ and the ‘Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning – APEL’ to demonstrate competence and proficiency. This in particular applies to experienced aesthetic practitioners who have operated for many years but without the context of a recognized set of standards or qualifications. The JCCP will be seeking to establish a list of Approved Fast Track Assessment Centres in June 2019 who can carry out this process for existing practitioners.

The JCCP is working with manufacturers and product companies who provide extensive training to practitioners to consider how their training offer can be incorporated into recognized programmes, qualifications and for CPPD programmes. The case for accreditation of the same is also being considered by the JCCP.

The JCCP Education and Training Register is accredited by the JCCP. It should be noted that this register is not accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (the PSA).

Please click here to view what alternative routes the JCCP has authorised for Practitioners to demonstrate their compliance with JCCP approved entry requirements to its practitioner register.

Procedures exist to join and renew your Approved Education and Training Membership with the JCCP. Click here for guidance.

The Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP), was formally launched in February 2018 as a ‘self-regulating’ body for the non-surgical aesthetics and hair restoration sector in the United Kingdom and is a registered UK Charity. The concept of the JCCP was envisioned and inspired by work commissioned by Health Education England on behalf of NHS England and the Department of Health (2016). The Council’s charitable status reflects the overarching not-for-profit mission of the JCCP which is to improve patient safety and public protection within the non-surgical cosmetic sector.

The JCCP operates a practitioner register which is formally accredited by the Professional Standards Authority as part of its Accredited Register Programme. The JCCP works in close alignment with a range of healthcare professional regulators, such as the General Medical Council, the General Dental Council, the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the General Pharmaceutical Council and with other Professional Standards Authority accredited registers to participate in an alerts system to share information relating to the outcome of any fitness to practice proceeding in the interests of public protection.

The JCCP also operates a non-PSA accredited register for Approved Education and Training Providers and Qualifications.

Please see the attached guidance document - view here.

The JCCP has prepared a public guide to the Government consultation, with a clear explanation of what it means and how to respond to it. This can be found here. 

The JCCP's FAQ guide also covers the scope of the proposed license, and answers questions related to practitioner related issues, education and training, age restrictions and key stages of the consultation. You can read the full FAQ guide here. 

The response should be ’The JCCP has produced a Policy Statement on 'Unconscious Bias’ - access the statement here

Yes, you can access our easy-to-read guide by clicking here.

You can find the JCCP Anti Bullying Guidelines here

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